Everything You Need To Know About Alzheimer’s Disease

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 Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia and has shown an incidence of 11.67 per 1000 persons less than or equal to 55years of age. In India, more than 4 million people are estimated to be suffering from Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, giving the country the third highest caseload in the world, after China and the US. It is challenging to deal with patients with Alzheimer’s disease because of its severe health complications. It is a neurodegenerative disease that is a progressive form of dementia. It gradually worsens as the disease advances. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, Alzheimer’s disease accounts for 60 to 80 percent of dementia cases. Most people with the disease get a diagnosis after age 65. If it’s diagnosed before, it’s generally referred to as early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease causes and risk factors

Alzheimer’s disease affects the elderly, I.e., Above the age of 65 years. It can be a genetic or hereditary disorder. You have an immediate family member who has developed the condition; you’re more likely to get it.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease gradually worsens, the caregiver finds it challenging to deal with the patients. 

  • There can be memory loss affecting daily activities, such as an ability to keep appointments, recognize people, remember names.
  • They can have trouble with familiar tasks.
  • There can create difficulties with problem-solving
  • There is trouble with speech or writing
  • Patients become disoriented about times or places
  • They are no more confident with  judgment
  • They have decreased personal hygiene
  • There are erratic mood and personality changes
  • There can cause withdrawal from friends, family, and community
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Alzheimer’s stages

Stage 1. No symptoms, but diagnosis can be based on family history.

Stage 2. Early symptoms appear, such as forgetfulness.

Stage 3. Mild physical and mental impairments appear, such as reduced memory and concentration. 

Stage 4. Mild Memory loss and the inability to perform daily tasks.

Stage 5. Moderate to severe symptoms require help from loved ones or caregivers.

Stage 6. People need help with basic tasks, such as eating and putting on clothes.

Stage 7. This is the most severe and final stage of Alzheimer’s. There may be a loss of speech and facial expressions.

Alzheimer’s medication

There is no permanent cure for the disease, but some palliative care can be given. Five medications are currently used to treat the cognitive problems of AD: four are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (tacrine, rivastigmine, galantamine, and donepezil) and the other (memantine) is an NMDA receptor antagonist. Moreover, the love and support given by the caregiver is the most crucial thing that comes under palliative care. Be patient and stay positive if your loved ones suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. Stay alert and notice the early signs and symptoms of the disease.

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Final Word

If you choose to assume the role of caregiver, you may need to enlist the help of professional caregivers and family members to help. For any guidance and to know more about Alzheimer’s disease, consult Nema Care; we provide the best dementia care in India.
